When is the eclipse?

Monday, April 8th, 2024 in the 1 pm hour.

Will there be eclipse glasses available?

Yes! We will have eclipse glasses available on-site.

Will there be any eclipse specific events?


For this auspicious experience Meli will connect us with the significance of such and event and Eileen McKusick will guide us through a bio field tuning during the eclipse.

What is this eclipse all about?

We asked our friend and resident astrologer, Meli Neubek, to give us some insight into how this eclipse is unique. Here’s what she had to say:

Hey, y’all — 

What a time to be ALIVE and have this incredible opportunity to experience a total solar eclipse in such an epic fashion. While each eclipse is unique in its own way, this one has a pretty “once-in-a-lifetime” energy about it: it is being called The Great North American Eclipse, because it is the only eclipse during the 21st century that will be visible throughout the United States, Canada and Mexico... 

… While that’s kind of cool, what’s even more notable is that it is the last total solar eclipse that will be visible from the contiguous United States until August 23, 2044.

I don’t know about you, but I loooove experiencing and being a part of unique moments, so I am absolutely fired up about this.

Speaking of fire, let’s chat astrological significance: this eclipse is in the cardinal sign of Aries, the first of the fire signs. Courageous, driven, strong-willed and fiercely independent, this is the sign of the warrior. Aries shows us how and where in our lives we are not fainthearted. 

Aries says “I am” and means it for the betterment of self, and ultimately, the collective. When we show up for ourselves, we thrive. To be selfish is fundamentally human, and it doesn’t have to be a negative thing. How can practicing a bit of selfishness and honing our independence benefit us?

In addition, solar eclipses always happen at the time of a new moon. New moons signify new beginnings (as does Aries!) and eclipses signify change. So, this eclipse is poised to bring powerful and fresh energy encouraging change, whether we like it or not. ;)... Might as well be ready for it and get ready to ride the wave.

How these energies affect us each individually has to do with our birth charts, so not everybody will feel it the same way, but everybody will feel something. And you can choose to explore that as much or as little as you want, but awareness is the first step towards action, so I invite you to consider what shifts you feel leading up to, during, and after this awesome event.

Looking forward to meeting you in April!

In Aligned Anticipation, 


Curious to learn more?

Feel free to reach out to me with any questions at instagram.com/melineubek !